The information on these pages is the property of the UNC Goodman Laboratory, which makes it available for observers at the SOAR telescope and anyone else who is interested.
Users of these pages agree not to republish this material without permission of the Goodman Laboratory, which assumes no liability for any errors or omissions that may be found herein.
Documentation for the Goodman Spectrograph is an ongoing effort which is best served by constructive participation by all the instrument users. Please report an errors you find on these pages to the webmaster. Thank you for your help.
The spectrograph and these pages would not have been possible without the help of many people, listed below in no particular order: Harland Epps who designed the optics Adam Crain who built the software control system Antonio Kanaan who provided concept study assistance Luciano Fraga who is measuring the response and many other useful tasks Sean Points who has written documentation and debugged problems Steve Heathcote who provides support in every way Brad Barlow and Bart Dunlap who use and improve the spectrograph And especially The UNC Machine Shop
Phil Thompson Cliff Tysor Steve Medlin Neal Johnson